Living Gluten Free

Posts tagged ‘Celiac Disease’

Autoimmune Diseases and Migraines

I’m writing this because I know a lot of people who suffer from migraines and I had mentioned to a friend on Facebook (that I have never met) about having Sjogren’s Syndrome and migraines, she also suffers from migraines and she mentioned it to her doctor and she found that she also has Sjogren’s Syndrome. So maybe this might help someone else bring this up to their doctor and ask about the possibility of having an autoimmune disease that isn’t often talked about. It doesn’t hurt to ask especially if your migraines are not getting better, it could be something else along with it.

It is estimated there are currently over 100 different autoimmune disease out there and that it is one of the top reasons why there is so much illness in the United States. As many of you that have followed me know I have 4 autoimmune diseases. One autoimmune disease that I have is Sjogren’s Syndrome, it is the most undiagnosed autoimmune disease out there. I should know, I have been tested for everything else but once they found I had Celiac Disease and Fibromyalgia they started to pay attention to the other symptoms I complained about and tested me for Sjogren’s Syndrome.

So briefly I will get into autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune system goes crazy. Normally it  protects the body against foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria.  When it becomes confused, the immune system begins to recognize organs and tissues as invaders and begins to attack the body and healthy organs.

In the case of Sjogren’s Syndrome, the antibodies go to  war on the moisture producing glands and mucus membranes.  Unfortunately the main targets are these moisture producing glands but the entire body is affected and systemic symptoms can be disabling for some patients. Think about this our bodies are water based so this really messes with your body.

Now with Migraine Disease there are more women than men who suffer from them and  90% of Sjogren’s patients are female. So is there a link? Sjogren’s Syndrome is characterized by periods of increased disease activity called a flare. Flares can be caused by many things, stress, physical injury, lack of sleep the list goes on.. So these flares can cause migraines and migraines can cause flares Also medication used for Sjogren’s Syndrome can also often act as triggers for migraines and migraine medication can also cause Sjogren’s Syndrome to flare.

My team of doctors explained it like this to me. My body is in constant fight mode. It never truly rests. Its like on high alert, fighting all the time. And there isn’t much I can do about it, now I’m by no means complaining. If you have read some of my post I have come a long way from 2 years ago. I used to be on 14- 15 med’s and now I’m down to 5. I’m up to 7 supplements but that’s ok. My blood pressure has been so good they finally have lowered my med’s that hasn’t happened in 10 years. I’m at a great weight, I eat healthy and I have had only 2 migraines in the last couple of months. Life is pretty good.

Here are a couple or sites to get more info on

We are trying to win a grant, can you help us out :)

Amanda and I are trying to win a grant for our company No Gluten Natural Girl Products and we need votes, you can read about us on the link below and also vote for us there. We would really appreciate it.

Please take a minute to help us out 🙂
Go to this link:
click, log in with Facebook. Type in No Gluten Natural Girl.
Put in Frankfort, Illinois and search for us. Then just vote for us…

Just thought I would share this information, I also found articles with statements on each spice and its regard to fighting cancer.

Garlic: The American Cancer Society explains that certain properties in garlic, specifically allyl sulfur, may fight cancer.

Ginger: Ginger causes the cancer cells to “commit suicide” by destroying themselves while leaving the surrounding healthy cells untouched.

Cinnamon: “Only about half as many cinnamon-treated cells as control cells were
counted, not bad for a common kitchen spice!”

Turmeric: Has been shown to eliminate cancer cells from the body.

Cayenne Pepper: Kills androgen-independent prostate cancer cells within the male body.

Good Food Combinations

I got this from a friends page on Facebook and thought it was interesting so I am sharing it with you.

Also thought I would post this one again as well

No Gluten Natural Girl Products

I thought I would show some of the products we offer at No Gluten Natural Girl Products, not only do we carry our own line of gluten-free, (some) vegan makeup but we also carry many other gluten-free products. We carry shampoo, conditioners, men’s products, body lotions, baby products, children products, outdoor products for your skin, hygiene products, snack items, environmentally safe for the home. We have something for everyone and we are always adding new items. The companies we work with are dedicated gluten-free facilities and we list all ingredients on our website.





More Great Gluten Free Recipes

More Great Gluten Free Recipes.

Gluten and Depression

I have read a lot of papers on this and although I never thought about it with myself back in the day but now if I look back I can see times where it makes sense about how I was feeling. Was I depressed because I suffering from Celiacs and didn’t know it  and I was reacting to gluten? could be. I also did this because a friend of mine was just diagnosed with depression, she went to another doctor for stomach issues only to find out she has Celiac Disease, so she had a lot of questions about it also.

I have read several paper by Dr. Vikki Petersen and I might even have one of her videos on my site as well. I like the way she explains things, not to formal so you sit there and shake your head and say What? but she explains in a way that your Oh I get it.

So here it goes. After the digestive tract, the most commonly affected system to be affected by gluten is our nervous system, makes sense right (I thought it did). Gluten sensitive people immune systems responds to the protein gliadin. Gliadin is a protein found in wheat. This protein is similar in structure to other proteins present in our bodies, including those in the brain and nerve cells. The immune system “confuses” proteins in the body for the protein gliadin. So they call this mimicry, the result is that the body attacks itself and inflammation occurs. When inflammation happens in the brain and nervous system, a variety of symptoms can occur, including depression.

There was a study done and 15 patients with untreated celiac disease were compared to 15 patients treated with a gluten-free diet for a year. In the untreated group, 73% had abnormalities in brain circulation while only 7% in the treated group showed any abnormalities. The patients with the brain circulation problems were frequently suffering from anxiety and depression as well.

Researchers look at the association between gluten sensitivity and its interference with protein absorption as well. Tryptophan is a protein in the brain responsible for a feeling of well-being and relaxation. A deficiency can be connected to feelings of depression and anxiety.

Have a question? Need to contact me?

So I notice there seems to be a few people who have questions and want to know how to contact me. If you go to No Gluten Natural Girl Products @  on our page we have a contact us tab on the left, that will send it to our business email. And that’s how we can communicate. So if you have any questions about Celiac Disease or being gluten free, send me a message. If you need some help finding social networks where you can talk to others with Celiacs or other allergies send me a message. If you have questions about our products send me a message. Just send me a message through this contact tab and I will get back to you as soon as I can and hopefully help you with your question.

I have a new email for this blog

Hope this helps  🙂 Thanks and have a great day.

Vitamin D Deficiencies and Celaic Disease

So this is what I have gathered so far from my doctors and what I have read. Because I have Celiacs Disease I do not absorb nutrients, so I do not absorb vitamins. They are too hard on my system and a little know fact but most vitamins also have gluten in them which I cannot have. There are vitamins out there that are gluten-free but you have to look for them and really check and do your homework.

Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency due to malabsorption increase the risk of osteoporosis in those with celiac disease. Now I never show any vitamin D in my system ever, so I usually have to go on 50,000 units once a week for 1 month to bring my vitamin D level to normal. What happens is 6 to 8 month later when I go back in to have it checked its back to either being extremely low or not showing up at all in my blood work. So now I try to eat more food that is higher in vitamin D.

Foods High in Vitamin D

  • Fish, Sardines, Salmon and Tuna (Love fish so I”m good)
  • Soy (If I have to)
  • Eggs (Love them)
  • Shiitake & Button Mushroom (Love them)
  • Dairy (Cant have)

The other best way to get vitamin D is sunshine, which I love to get and when its warm out I do a lot of swimming in our pool but I do not lay out in the sun any more (for obvious reason) but I do use a great Gluten Free Sunscreen

There are conditions that develop when vitamin D deficiency is ongoing. Muscle weakness, pain and lack of energy. Hyperparathyroidism, Rickets can occur in children, Osteoarthritis and bone fractures can also occur.

I had to have a bone scan done because of my lack of vitamin D and because I am no longer 5 ft 8 I am now 5 ft 7 (I argued with the nurse when she measured me) so they thought I was having bone issues but were surprised to see that my bones are in really good shape considering I don’t keep vitamin D in my system. I still want to know where that inch went, I’ve been 5ft 8 since kindergarten.

Life, gotta just laugh at it sometimes

10 medications, 3 doctors and a partridge in a pear tree.

So those of you that follow me know that I have Celiac, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Alopecia. All my doctors know of each other and they are all given what medications each of them give me  just in case one doesn’t work with another. Well a new doctors in town and my new Rheumatologist thinks I do not have Alopecia or Fibromyalgia. She feels I have a form of Lupus instead, which can also mimic Fibromyalgia and Alopecia. So next month doctor 4 a Dermatologists from the University of Illinois Hospital will do a biopsy of my scalp, yep my scalp. I wrote about needing a wig sometime ago because I have a bald spot. So if it comes out lupus then I no longer will be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Alopecia. YEAH !!! I guess? Still may need a wig or a small hair piece.

Doctors appointments, keeping track of all these med’s. Really!!!, when will I feel better? No one can tell me, I saw 2 my 3 doctors today. More medication for another month, then if things are not better we should think about sending you to the Mayo Clinic, really!!! This sucks. I thought after I was diagnosed and going gluten-free that I would feel great, everyone else seems to say they feel wonderful.  Although I am better I still have several issues that haven’t cleared up. More med’s to help but I am literally taken more medication then my grandmother did (I miss her) I learned today that there is a form of Celiac Disease which is called Nonresponsive CD. The prevalence of nonresponsive CD is unknown (Uggg) Even eating gluten-free may not help, that sucks.

When is enough enough? I don’t know. It could be worse, I know that. I just needed to vent and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to do that. If you need to vent let me know I am a great listener.