Living Gluten Free

Archive for the ‘Family life’ Category

Great benifts to some yummy foods

Great chart I got from Facebook over at Way of the Butterfly, here is her link.

Sorry, I do believe the chart originally came from Emas Herbs


More Great Gluten Free Recipes

More Great Gluten Free Recipes.

Vitamin D Deficiencies and Celaic Disease

So this is what I have gathered so far from my doctors and what I have read. Because I have Celiacs Disease I do not absorb nutrients, so I do not absorb vitamins. They are too hard on my system and a little know fact but most vitamins also have gluten in them which I cannot have. There are vitamins out there that are gluten-free but you have to look for them and really check and do your homework.

Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency due to malabsorption increase the risk of osteoporosis in those with celiac disease. Now I never show any vitamin D in my system ever, so I usually have to go on 50,000 units once a week for 1 month to bring my vitamin D level to normal. What happens is 6 to 8 month later when I go back in to have it checked its back to either being extremely low or not showing up at all in my blood work. So now I try to eat more food that is higher in vitamin D.

Foods High in Vitamin D

  • Fish, Sardines, Salmon and Tuna (Love fish so I”m good)
  • Soy (If I have to)
  • Eggs (Love them)
  • Shiitake & Button Mushroom (Love them)
  • Dairy (Cant have)

The other best way to get vitamin D is sunshine, which I love to get and when its warm out I do a lot of swimming in our pool but I do not lay out in the sun any more (for obvious reason) but I do use a great Gluten Free Sunscreen

There are conditions that develop when vitamin D deficiency is ongoing. Muscle weakness, pain and lack of energy. Hyperparathyroidism, Rickets can occur in children, Osteoarthritis and bone fractures can also occur.

I had to have a bone scan done because of my lack of vitamin D and because I am no longer 5 ft 8 I am now 5 ft 7 (I argued with the nurse when she measured me) so they thought I was having bone issues but were surprised to see that my bones are in really good shape considering I don’t keep vitamin D in my system. I still want to know where that inch went, I’ve been 5ft 8 since kindergarten.

Life, gotta just laugh at it sometimes

Happy New Year

      May 2012 bring you everything you need.

Vaccine could halt autoimmune diseases

So there is a lot of this being posted all over the place.  If you could take a vaccine to stop your autoimmune disease would you? This article talks about Rheumatoid Arthritis and Chrohn’s Disease, you can read it here at this link

There is also talk about there being a vaccine developed for Celiac Disease, in my life time. Would I take it? I’m not sure. Some say vaccines are the cause of the issues. There isn’t enough information for me to say whether I would or wouldn’t, what are the potential side effects and so on. For right now I am feeling good. I am eating healthy or healthier, more fruits, veggies, lean meats and fish. So I’m good for now.

Just thought I would share this information with you.

Email from a customer

Ellen wrote about our company on her blog after she purchased our laundry detergent back in August, she found our website through our other site (this site takes you to No Gluten Natural Girl) she has been a loyal customer ever since. You can read what she wrote about Oxy Prime by following this link, you have to scroll down to Natural Clothes Detergent.

We received this email today from her 12/19/2011


I hope you also have a wonderful Christmas, I want to thank you for having such great products for people with allergy sensitivities to skin care

I have let every one that I know about your website and how great your products are..  I have called my doctor and my son’s doctor and let them know to tell their patients to go to your website.

It is funny with your laundry detergent my son likes as he puts it the chemical laundry detergent.  He just does not get it yet that the regular products that you get at most stores are not good for you.  He is 22 and thinks he knows it all.

Getting back to my point he usually does his own laundry but the one day he called me from the road and said Mom I forgot to wash my uniform for work, can you take care of it for me?.  I told him a little fib and said well all we have is my as he calls it my nasty natural stuff that does not do anything. He said well just use it.  I did and he came home put on his uniform and said thank you  and went off to work. He came home that night and said I thought you said you only had your stuff left. It did not have much scent to it but my clothes felt much better what did you use.  I told him my nasty all natural stuff. He said Oh no you did not, it can’t be.  I said it is, he said back you  know it did clean better and my clothes were softer. I thought you would like to hear that .

I can’t use the store ought products I break out from them He does not have that problem but I just love your products.  In a way I am glad that I do have the sensitivities that I do have or I would never would have found out your products.

As they say it was a blessing in disguise.



No Gluten Natural Girl Products

So my business partner and I have this great little company and we are trying to expand it. We carry Gluten Free makeup (our own line), gluten-free products like lotions, body wash, hygiene products, shampoos and conditioners, baby care, household products in addition to Gluten free snacks for those with Celiac Disease, sensitive skin or those looking for natural products. We have a gluten-free product for everyone in the family.

We have the lowest prices out there and people wonder why is that. Well I am going to tell you why. It is because we don’t think you should have to pay and arm and a leg because its gluten-free. Both myself and my business partner know what its like to live on a budget, remember we both work in special education . My partner is a teacher and I am a substitute teacher and her assistant. Up until 5 years ago I was a divorced mom with a son at home. It was important to us that people be able to afford the items they need, I needed to be able to afford the items that I need and that is why we keep the cost as low as we can. Our products are of great quality we just choose not to charge ridiculous prices. I just felt I need to state this because I see and check prices all the time and I just think its insane what some people charge for items because they are gluten-free. Check us out, give us a chance.

Love when this happens

I received a phone call from a customer who recently purchased a new product we are offering called GoPicnic. They are like a lunchable for adults and kids that are gluten-free. You can read about them in my product reviews. So this women bought the Sunbutter + Crackers one for her son to take on a field trip. He has several allergies and health issues so he has to be careful what he eats.

As his class sat to eat their lunch many pulled out lunchables, when he took out his all the kids at the table asked him what it was. He told them “You know I cant eat certain things but my mom found these and now I have my own lunchable like you”. The kids were very interested in it and he said it was really cool.

Ok, so how cool is that? I’m thinking pretty darn cool. All kids want is to feel part of a group and when you have issues whether it is food allergies or learning issues, what ever, kids just want to be kids.

This made my day along with the mom and her son. Love when this happens.

You can find these and other great products @

Gluten in makeup affects those with Celiac Disease (New Study)

A new study by George Washington University researchers showed not only that gluten is an ingredient in many cosmetics and topical lotions (although they are rarely labeled as containing gluten – a problem), but that using these products may actually exacerbate celiac disease.

Here is my issue with this and it’s just me venting again.  All the time I was telling people that makeup did affect me and they said  I was wrong, here ya go now there is a study that proves it. I lost my eyelashes for years, now that I just use gluten free natural mascara my eyelashes grew back, no more breakouts on my face. No more issues but the wrinkles I am trying to get rid of.

When we started our makeup line we were told by major magazines (that deal with Celiac Disease) and others that we shouldn’t be pushing gluten free makeup on people, that Celiac is an intestinal disease and only lip stick should be gluten free. Well we never did push it on people  but offered it as a choice for those of us that felt it was causing issues (and there were a lot of us out there). We couldn’t even get a write-up because people didn’t want to have us scare those with Celiac to think they needed to buy gluten free makeup. I would get in so many debates about this it just drove me insane.

It isn’t just cosmetics, in my opinion it is everything. Everything  I put in and on my body. I used to have the worst skin rashes and itchy, it drove me yes insane. I used so many lotions and nothing ever worked. After finding out I had Celiac I started thinking about the things I put on my body. Everything I use now is gluten free and guess what , no more rashes, no more itchy skin unless a mosquito got me. No more of anything.

Here are some places to read about the study

10 medications, 3 doctors and a partridge in a pear tree.

So those of you that follow me know that I have Celiac, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Alopecia. All my doctors know of each other and they are all given what medications each of them give me  just in case one doesn’t work with another. Well a new doctors in town and my new Rheumatologist thinks I do not have Alopecia or Fibromyalgia. She feels I have a form of Lupus instead, which can also mimic Fibromyalgia and Alopecia. So next month doctor 4 a Dermatologists from the University of Illinois Hospital will do a biopsy of my scalp, yep my scalp. I wrote about needing a wig sometime ago because I have a bald spot. So if it comes out lupus then I no longer will be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Alopecia. YEAH !!! I guess? Still may need a wig or a small hair piece.

Doctors appointments, keeping track of all these med’s. Really!!!, when will I feel better? No one can tell me, I saw 2 my 3 doctors today. More medication for another month, then if things are not better we should think about sending you to the Mayo Clinic, really!!! This sucks. I thought after I was diagnosed and going gluten-free that I would feel great, everyone else seems to say they feel wonderful.  Although I am better I still have several issues that haven’t cleared up. More med’s to help but I am literally taken more medication then my grandmother did (I miss her) I learned today that there is a form of Celiac Disease which is called Nonresponsive CD. The prevalence of nonresponsive CD is unknown (Uggg) Even eating gluten-free may not help, that sucks.

When is enough enough? I don’t know. It could be worse, I know that. I just needed to vent and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to do that. If you need to vent let me know I am a great listener.